Look After Your Mucky Tool and it will Look after You

  • Why look after your Tools

    In our studio we focus on looking after our tools and equiptment. Kelly teaches this as part of developing students practice. its not something that just added on, its integral to the development of the maker. Kelly belives that tools are incrdibly valueble.

  • Looking After your Mucky Tool Bat System

    It’s Crucial to the longevity of your Bat system you follow this way of practice, described below.

    -Always store your bats when not in use upright, do not leave them stacked on-top of one another when they are still wet.

    -Stack on one another after they have been cleaned and are dry.

    -Do not submerge your Mucky Tool bat system in water, only ever wipe over your bat with a wet cloth. scrape off any clay using a wooden rib.

    -Do not use metal tools to cut in your work, at the base, always use a wooden stick to avoid damaging the bat.

    -Always clean your attaching pad after use and leave to dry flat.